Whitley, Williamsburg school districts cancelling in-seat classes starting Monday
Following the recommendation of Gov. Andy Beshear, Whitley County School District officials and Williamsburg Independent School District officials are canceling in-seat classes for at least the next two weeks starting on Monday, March 16, and will offer non-traditional instruction for students on those days instead.
In addition, Whitley County and Williamsburg are cancelling all extra-curricular activities.
Williamsburg closure
Williamsburg Superintendent Tim Melton confirmed about 8:30 p.m. that his district would be cancelling classes for at least two weeks starting on March 16.
“We will continue to monitor the situation to make further decisions,” Melton said in a text.
He said extracurricular activities would also be cancelled until further notice.
Whitley County closure
Whitley County Superintendent John Siler announced his district’s closure shortly before 8 p.m.
“As many of you have heard, in response to the spread of COVID-19, Governor Beshear has recommended that all school systems in Kentucky cease in-seat classes for 10 days beginning Monday, March 16. He further recommended that school districts apply for non-traditional instruction (NTI) days to cover the closure,” Siler said in a statement posted on the district’s Facebook page.
“The approval of NTI days will allow the schools to be closed without having to make the days up at a later date. The Whitley County School District has applied for the NTI days and assignments have been developed for our students. Tomorrow evening, Friday, March 13, all Whitley County students will be leaving school with 10 days of assignments.”
Elementary students in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade will bring home 10 packets. Students will be expected to complete one packet per day of school missed.
Each packet has a cover sheet, which lists the assignments to be completed.
“This content is meant to remediate and reinforce concepts that the students have already learned this school year. However, if the student has any questions about the assignments or is struggling to complete the packet, he or she should contact their teacher via e-mail or through the Remind app if your child’s teacher utilizes Remind,” Siler wrote.
Teachers will be available online from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. each day that school is closed. The teacher’s contact information will be included with the NTI packets.
The packets will also be online on the district’s website at www.whitley.k12.ky.us for anyone wishing to get an electronic copy.
School officials estimate that students will need to plan for 2-3 hours each day to complete the packet.
Middle school and high school students will be using their 1:1 Chromebooks to deliver assignments.
It will not be necessary for students to have Internet access in order to do the assignments.
Students will be bringing home the Chromebooks and a charger Friday evening.
“It is expected that students will return to school when it resumes with the device in the same working condition that it was given to them,” Siler noted in the letter.
Assignments will be loaded offline to the Chromebook on Google and will be available in the student’s downloads.
“Just as with the elementary assignments, these assignments are designed for reinforcement, remediation and/or enrichment of their current skills and will require little to no parent assistance,” Siler wrote.
School officials estimate that these assignments will take between three to four hours to complete each day, and teachers will be available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. to provide assistance.
High school students, who are enrolled in dual-credit or AP classes will continue to work online as they have done all school year.
Cafeteria staff will be working to provide a grab and go lunch.
Food will be available at all schools except for Whitley County High School, Whitley County Middle School and Whitley Central Primary School.
Whitley Central Intermediate will be providing meals on the main campus.
Those interested in getting grab and go lunches for students can drop by the school closest to their home between 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. starting Monday, March 16.
All extra-curricular activities are also cancelled during the closure, including all school sponsored trips and athletic activities.
“I realize that this is a new experience for all of us and there are going to be many questions. We will have school personnel at each school and in our central office, who will be available by phone and who will be able to provide guidance during this non-traditional instruction period. Everyone stay safe and healthy and continue to watch our website and Facebook page for additional updates,” Siler wrote.