Federal court jury convicts W’burg pharmacist Thursday on 7 charges
Following six days of testimony and two days of deliberations, a 12-person federal court jury in London convicted Williamsburg pharmacist Kim Jones shortly after 5 p.m. Thursday on multiple counts stemming from her 2018 indictment.
Exact details of the verdict aren’t known, but jurors reportedly convicted Jones on seven counts and acquitted her on the remaining charges, a source told the News Journal early Thursday evening.
Which counts Jones was convicted on, and which she was acquitted on were not immediately available.
According to the Laurel County Detention Center’s website, Jones, 53, was booked into the facility at 5:51 p.m. Thursday, and is listed as a federal prisoner
Jones was indicted in U.S. District Court in 2018 on 30 counts of unlawful distribution of a controlled substance, specifically Oyxcodone and Oyxmorphone, five counts of dispensing Hydrocodone and Oxycodone not for a legitimate medical purpose, one count of opening and maintaining a place for the purpose of distributing controlled substances outside the scope of professional practice and not for legitimate medical purpose, and one count of healthcare fraud.
For further updates in the case, check online at www.thenewsjournal.net Friday morning for more details.