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Corbin City Commission delays start of legal process to demolish 16th St. home

A burned home on 16th Street may be spared from demolition, as someone is interested in purchasing it and restoring it. Read this story and more for just $.99 cents today, or subscribe to get access every day! Please login to view this content. Not a Member? Join Us

Musical lineup announced for, ‘Moonbow Nights’ events

Corbin Downtown has announced the musical lineup for the “Moonbow Nights” events, scheduled to begin in June. Downtown Manager Aaron Sturgill said the lineup will cover a spectrum of genres including rock, blues, folk and country. “We are switching up the genres to see what folks...

Moonbow Nights returns Saturday with Ben Sollee, Ryvoli

Moonbow Nights is returning to Corbin on June 30 with live entertainment from Ben Sollee and Ryvoli. Moonbow Nights is held in Nibroc Park from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Vendors will be set up selling food and there will even be both to help individuals register to vote. West Sixth...

First ‘Moonbow Nights’ of season set for Saturday

The moon will be full Saturday night and Corbin Downtown will host its first “Moonbow Nights” of 2017. Corbin Downtown Director Andy Salmons said the event, now in its fifth year, will return to NIBROC Park with food, fun and music. The festivities will kick off at 4 p.m. with...