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Plans to reopen Barbourville Waterpark in 2020 squashed

Emotions ran high as the fate of the local waterpark was decided by a ‘disappointing’ surprise on Monday. An eager city council printed signs to declare the May 2020 reopening, but, before the ink could dry, one letter changed everything. Read this story and more for...

Barbourville Water Park permanently closed

Few topics have sparked as much conversation as the future of the Barbourville water park. “Most people think we are just tearing the waterpark down, but we are replacing it….with something better,” said Barbourville City Councilman, Ronnie Moore. Plans for the new project were...

Recycling Center here to stay

“Lots of people have asked for the last month if recycling was going to stop. It was never going to stop,” reassured Mayor David Thompson at Thursday night’s City Council meeting. While the recycling center has had issues over the past few months, including a diminished work...
Posted On 14 Nov 2018
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